The city of Cusco was originally settled by the
Inca in 1200A.D., and grew to become both the Inca capital and its
largest city. It is said to have been originally designed in the
shape of a puma, with the fortress of Sacsayhuamán at the head.
Pizarro and his conquistadors arrived in 1533, taking over the
city and building their colonial city on the ruins; often using the
original Incan walls and layout as the foundation.
Much of the city design now centers on the Plaza de Armas, built on the
ruins of the Huacapata -- the exact center of the Incan empire.
At that time, it was the focus of many Incan religious and
military ceremonies; today, it's filled with street sellers and the
occasional festival. Views of the Plaza are dominated by La Catedral,
the largest of several colonial-era churces in the city.